BPSC TRE 3.0 Exam Cancelled, Due to Paper Leak, New Date Released

The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) recently encountered a setback when the third phase of the teacher recruitment examination (TRE-3.0) had to be canceled due to a paper leak on March 15, 2024. Reports from the Economic Offenses Unit (EOU) in Patna revealed that question papers had reached an organized gang before the scheduled exam. This incident affected approximately 3.75 lakh aspirants across 415 examination centers.

The decision to cancel the exam was made to uphold the integrity of the recruitment process. Investigations by the EOU uncovered alarming details, suggesting insider involvement in the paper leak. The arrest of Vishal Chaurasia, the alleged mastermind behind the leak, highlighted concerns about the integrity of individuals responsible for sensitive examination processes.

The cancellation of TRE-3.0 echoes previous challenges faced by the BPSC, emphasizing the need for stricter measures to prevent such incidents. As the investigation progresses, the EOU aims to hold all responsible parties accountable and restore public trust in the examination system. Cooperation among stakeholders is crucial to ensuring fairness and transparency in future recruitment processes.